Monday 16 November 2015

Human Nature - "Following Like Sheep" 2 years on I'm taking about Social Media Trends Again

As a follower of Social Media...... Its My Job as Social Media Organisation Specialist and Trainer to ensure people use it effectively and appropriately. In the last few months I have struggled to step back and stop it taking over my life, but I have managed to put the balance back in from being addicted to obsessive this was not healthy. To now using it in small doses for my personal life and using my skills learnt for 8 years to make my customers business's effective on a daily basis. BALANCE being the main aim I try to achieve. THE EVENTS played out on Social Media since the evening of Friday 13th November 2015 (my 49th Birthday) ensured that the Atrocities carried out in Paris had maximum impact, to everyone. However I am perplexed to read this morning that the top trending Item is a story of another atrocity that happened back in April 2015 the following is the comment I left on a friends posting who shared this story as if it was new and her comments above it requesting we "Pray for the Kenyans as well as the French" with a link to a BBC news story that is the top tending item on Monday 16th November about a bombing of a university in Kenya back in April 2015!
the following is the comment I posted
That is the power of social media... and computers they are programmed to show you the most popular items I'm not putting this story down just giving perspective of living in a world of fast paced technology with news sites sensationalising all atrocities.
Showing that the news stories we are bombarded with and follow could be put in a category of a Cult like all religions, business's , schools. or meetings of humans. These groups creating followers lead to us not having our own objectivity.
Humans crave attention in some way from 1:1 with our family to speaking out to local friends and of course aspiring to celebrity status.
Media in all forms from TV, papers to online postings all is about attention seeking.
I chose to use my spirituality to pray and have gratitude for the good things in life
One day I will comprehend why " 'Humans' choose do to his fellow human beings "
I pray for all the atrocities being shown to fellow humans around the world

This has now lead to me creating a this blog article as an IT trainer To bring to people's notice that we are in a world of hype and media. That modern technology leads us to to a be expected to be reactive as time pressures are being forced on us as we start to use Smartphones, Tablets requiring instant interaction, reaction and pressures to respond. Its human nature to be emotional and lead by our emotions.... this is why marketing works and there is whole industry out there pushing their latest product or service to you. Human nature has always been after the latest news thats why we have so many TV companies with news channels and journalism still uses paper copies as well as the internet to spread the word via articles and news stories.
Remember all items are relative to the message of communication that we want to get across. Humans naturally come together when a tragedy happens, the pack instinct comes in to protect others, This has been shown by the "Following like sheep" trends brought on social media platforms like facebook where people can change their picture to be masked by the Red White and Blue of the French Flag. or as mentioned in my blog a year or so re "The No Make Up Selfies" Count me as being cynical and trusting no one I personally did not adopt this practice as I know computers and marketing and how programmers, analysts are now using our actions to dictate what we see and do on social media. I do not want in months to come to have something linked to my personal profile that has been picked up from the data collection that is taken place by me clicking to show support or because I have answer this quiz about what is my age or click on this link to see who my friends are on facebook and post them as a video All that information is already there and advocate being unique standing out from the crowd and NOT "Following like Sheep" We are currently in "ANTIBULLYING WEEK" and sometimes we leave ourselves open to being bullied by our own actions. Be responsible take ownership of your actions and do not let anyone stop you from being Unique The news stories that prompted this post by the terrorist acts in the name of religion is a form of bullying. ACT RESPONSIBLY and learn from a qualified experienced professional the rights and wrongs of how to behave on the internet. My company is called IT Expert for a reason, i have longstanding experience of IT and data confidentiality and security, Publish what you want public and expect the backlash if it happens.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Facebook - Using it for your Business

UKBC topic of the day 
Sharing your business posts do you prefer using your Facebook personal page or your business page where you can see your reaches? 

Netty this is the art of use of Social Media Organisation (SMO) and what your Marketing Strategy is

SMO is required to integrate across the platforms to help you increase you SEO.
So posting pictures from your instagram or Pinterest to your page helps in the background
Sharing your post from a Page direct to Twitter is another way 
Posting Articles from Linkedin to Facebook pages or google +
Using other posting software like Postplanner, Hootsuite, SproutSocial, Buffer or Tweetdeck Help you manage your time effectively.

Facebook was set up as a social media network where people are social with friends sharing what they like 

But as you know it has evolved over the last 8 years to 
Pages for Business's Charities for Communities etc.
which can then have apps to be shops and call to action buttons to like to websites.
Groups To me they are the most important part of this Social Media Network.

And Facebook is an business so they want you to Pay for Boosts Sponsored posts etc.

Social Media Networks are just one of the Internet softwares you can use to create your Database.
The Database is then used for your Marketing via email, physical mail, phone calls, chat etc,
However Ultimately you need to know where you are marketing to 
Your Customer where they click the button that caused the money in your bank as a business.

Facebook would prefer that profiles are social and Pages are business Groups are free forums to share, chat and your opinions and us only allow as your Profile name

If your Marketing on your page post attracts Attention Interest Desire then you will get Action

This is done by following the analytics.

Netty the ORIGINAL QUESTION Was how is the best way to post your business on Facebook

1. FB scan your profile and if there's too much business content on they will ask you to convert or take your page down,

2. My best advice is share your page posts ... to groups via your profile all in the privacy settings when done via the browser not the app to groups your profile belongs to.

3. Fundamental social marketing is engaging and interacting with your market... i.e. the profile of your customer. so your profile is needed to build rapport and credibility to gain the like's and follows.

4. Getting your page to like other pages will build up business to business connections so you can share them that way.

Getting the business seen is what is needed. 

The reason for your question I believe is:-
You have found the downfall of using an App it does not give you the flexibility to share posts in your privacy settings to groups.

Hence majority of my Setup and training is to ensure your time is used effectively on Social media
My preference is to use a Laptop or PC or via a browser on tablet or phone.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

WINDOWS 10 Upgrade Should I or Not?

Windows 10 My Recommendations as of Sept 2015

My findings so far
1. wait to upgrade til Jan 2016
2. 8 or 8.1 works well and is recommended
3. 7 to windows 10 hold off

So far I have heard 90% of upgrades have been reversed as the user have gone back to win7 or 8.1

It is my understanding that MS updates have already given us the files.... However If your broadband is on a download restriction, be prepared for a high bill as the windows update takes you over the download thresholds!
So in theory it is not a free upgrade you will get charged on your data usage via your ISP

TOP TIPS if you do upgrade
READ THE SCREEN  2 important recommendations to do
a) do a back up of data
b) ensure all drivers of every other software that is not MS is updated to latest version

These 2 areas are crucial to upgrading

I'm still working on scheduling at time to do my own machine upgrade from win8.1 watch this space for updates

I am sure in the future we will move to windows 10 but for now windows 7 is the most user friendly version I recommend

Sunday 5 July 2015

Social Media Forum Question - Is There A Demand For A Set-Up Service For LinkedIn?

There is definitely a market for it, but getting customers to pay for 
something they can do themselves is a big up hill battle here in the
south west.

I specialise in Social Media Set-up and Training..... and to me it depends 
what you see as social media.
To me social media definition is the use of programs on the internet in 
all forms to make the KERCHING happen in your bank.

Your offering just one of the networking platforms to be set up but for 
it to work in a cost effective way it needs to be part of a structured 
marketing Strategy. 

In my mind there is a lot of education needed to the SME business 
about the  cost effective use of Social Media in all forms 
or SMO (Social Media Organisation) which of course integrates with SEO, 
websites and marketing.  

Using Linkedin as a lead product is a way but unless you are offering 
to work it across all the platforms to integrate them you are doing a 
dis-service to your customers - in my opinion.
You will also need to establish if they need to sign up to the benefits 
of the premium service or the free one will suffice the customers needs.

The new job description of ’Social Media Manager’ came out about 6-8 
months ago and many people are out there competing for this work by 
use of the automated platforms with various social media networks.
My understanding of the product /service they offer forgets the basic 
principles. In marketing you need to remember Customer, Benefits 
and Profits ensuring your client gets the customer to point of sale. 
This can be a website, capture form, a secure money transaction 
provider or just a phone number for point of contact.

Do not do the trap I have fallen into for years of offering what you can do. 
Not what the customer wants!

My advice would be to get your speciality and expertise established and 
identify who you can joint venture with to promote the work your 
company currently offers.  
I see the future working practices as many people doing joint ventures 
with their speciality in the marketing strategy process

 Web Hosting Companies 
  Web designers
  Graphic Designers
  Video Firms
  SEO specialists
  Marketing specialists
  Social Media platforms   -too many platforms to list
  CRM database set-up specialists
  Electronic mail campaigns
  Physical mail campaigns
  PPC (pay per click) specialist using Google and FB ads

ALL of the above listed are specific niches that needs to work together
to give the customer the best cost effective marketing, product research, 
and customer care 

Cherry picking to line your own pocket can lead lead to negative 
reputation and your expertise blown out of the water. 

This is why I have stepped back from being "jack of all trades", Pharmacy 
Technician, Aloe Distributor, Send Out Cards Distributor, Project Manger, 
Data Entry person, Bookkeeper and IT Trainer.

I now use my specialist knowledge from 8 years of using social media 
to offer B2B Clients :- Bespoke Social Media Set-up and Training Packages 
as Devon IT Expert
Technology training on all platforms to older generation at Silver IT Expert 
as my B2C company.

I will reject customers who only want to “Do At” social media and not 
reap the full benefits it can offer, i.e. break platform rules, continue to set up 
all platforms but not linking them etc.
I pride myself on my organisational skills to understand my 
limitations and use my joint venture partners of specialist listed above
to give my clients the most cost effective service to increase their sales 
up to 75%.

My consultations are bespoke to meet the clients needs, with the bonus of 
free mentoring thrown in.
This question was asked on 
group where like minded business people help each other

Sunday 8 February 2015


Back in 2013 I knew I needed to change my company name and re brand.

My business mentor said you have to tell the customer what you do....
And use your location to help so they know where you are!
At that time being a woman in a negative mind set I said I do not want Devon in the name I want Queen of the

He explained no one knew what cloud was.... 15 months on and we sure do now!

I got quiet adamant about the use of Devon....... as I knew I was a nomad as I was born in Surrey, lived in central and North London then Surrey and in 2006 chose Exmouth to bring up the family. As it had good schools, near to motorway and A303 easy access to family in Cornwall plus 2 miles of golden sands views and sunsets to die for.
I still felt an outsider to Devon .... I live here now but in the future I did not know where I would be . Plus I grew up in Cornwall and felt I was betraying my past due to the county rivalry.  - All factors and emotions I was dealing with at the time, yes its a woman thing!

I already had a Ltd company which was Add To My Income Ltd and other income streams came into it from
Pharmacy via 'Rapid Pharm Tech Services' and sales from 'Come Try Aloe'
This made me realise in those name choices I had been descriptive

So being an organised techy I set up excel spread sheet
Opened up Google and domain reg site  and typed away my name ideas ,m
ost were gone 
Google either found existing website or companies house had the name registered.
Being girly I wanted the email address to be learn@ ......
I definitely wanted .com and
Finally on the excel sheet of 83 names I had 2 names that were available
Devon It Solutions or Devon It Advisor
I tested the market asked 3 independent people as well as the business mentor

Feedback was advisor sounded like a financial or insurance man , definitely did not want that having had the experiences I've had with them.
Another said "If your and advisor are you really that much of an expert" 

For the first time in a while I knew confidently I was an expert
A) been using computers since 1982
B) I worked with them in the NHS before IT or IM&T departments existed.
C) I am a IT trainer & NVQ assessor
D) plus I'm a woman geek who likes technology follows the latest hardware and software trends
And finally after years of networking had a database of over 2000 contacts 
E) knew if I cannot solve it I knew people who could :)

I pride myself on knowing my limitations
I do not physically fix hardware
I do not do graphics
I do not profess to create websites.
I also love delegating.

So instantly checked on domain reg and Google if Devon IT Expert was available yes
             Devon IT Expert was born

Then came the marketing and personal learning skills of 2014 of really understanding Social Media in all forms, SEO,  branding, and creating my first website. (since superseded by a professional I know my skills & limits!)
Now one year on I'm thankful for taking that leap of name change and putting trust in others knowledge - That the name must be descriptive

It tells the customer what you do

It tells them where you are

Saves you saying in the all important lift pitch / introduction what you do.
You can concentrate on showing them (the customer) the benefits you give them in your latest offers.
Especially important when you offer a service in the modern world of technology.
Having a trade like baker, plumber, electrician is self explanatory.
or in my case
Explaining that I am a Woman IT geek with skills as a .................
  • Project Management
  • Pharmacy technician /NVQ assessor
  • Office admin 
  • Facilitator
  • Business case writer
  • Bookkeeper 
  • Database entry 
  • Using all manner of computer software
  • Desktop Super User - meaning 
  • I can install software, do software upgrades, troubleshoot problems 
  • Customise desktops / screen layouts to the user.
  • IT trainer 
  • Create Effective Marketing Strategies -using all forms of marketing via paper, electronic, face to face and using all forms of Social Media
  • Workshop presenter 
  • Blogwriter
  • Now specialising in Social Media as a user and trainer.
  • WiFi Set-ups.

By passionately embracing , teaching effective use of all forms of social media:-

  • To bring you Customers and Profits to businesses
  • To bring child safety on the internet to parents when using social media
  • To introduce social media to the older generation

That's me a Entrepreneur plus being a mum of 2

That said I'm now proud to be able to walk up to people and say
 'Hello I'm Michelle Devon IT Expert' not (100+ word description above of my skills )

And 15 months on it is definitely all in the name as shown when I meet and greet is given me confidence.

Recently I have stepped back from regularly using Twitter for my business for the last 4 months. As my clients needs came first
However I get new followers weekly as @DevonITExpert
Occasionally for @Cometryaloe
And never @mswreviews

THAT'S WHY I KNOW IT IS ALL IN THE NAME and why Socail Media is an IMPORTANT part to modern Marketing Strategies

My ideal clients are the ones who are:-
  1. About to buy new kit or upgrade
  2. New Business's with a product or service they want to launch
  3. Established business wanting to go electronic and tap into social media 
I will never turn away 
  • New business part set up or struggling
  • Semi established business that's not got the right setup 
These clients are more timely and therefore more expensive to get working effectively

It can all be achieved as long as your open minded and willing to embrace change .

I don't want to be your social media management, I can and will do it on a monthly subscription but my passion is to 
          Empower you to use technology

But be aware I may coach you into re-branding and changing your co name 
Richard Branson chose back in the 70's "Virgin records".....
Now virgin is the brand and he has
Virgin Media
Virgin airlines
Virgin Money .........

Your surname may say who you are but does it say what you do
Branding and marketing companies like you to be catchy.... But is it cost effective

In the past the marketing is visual but was a slow build up through newspapers and signs
That's why Coco Cola, Cadburys and any of the supermarket names work they are on the high street physically seen.
Most companies budgets are not on their scale!

Social media now allows cost effective marketing straight to the phone , laptop or tablet

Let me show you how   Michelle the Devon IT Expert 

Watch out for the Launch of the  training business
Target audience is 
Anyone born before 1970 wanting to use Phones Tablets or Laptops in a 1:1 training sessions.