Wednesday 9 September 2015

WINDOWS 10 Upgrade Should I or Not?

Windows 10 My Recommendations as of Sept 2015

My findings so far
1. wait to upgrade til Jan 2016
2. 8 or 8.1 works well and is recommended
3. 7 to windows 10 hold off

So far I have heard 90% of upgrades have been reversed as the user have gone back to win7 or 8.1

It is my understanding that MS updates have already given us the files.... However If your broadband is on a download restriction, be prepared for a high bill as the windows update takes you over the download thresholds!
So in theory it is not a free upgrade you will get charged on your data usage via your ISP

TOP TIPS if you do upgrade
READ THE SCREEN  2 important recommendations to do
a) do a back up of data
b) ensure all drivers of every other software that is not MS is updated to latest version

These 2 areas are crucial to upgrading

I'm still working on scheduling at time to do my own machine upgrade from win8.1 watch this space for updates

I am sure in the future we will move to windows 10 but for now windows 7 is the most user friendly version I recommend

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