Monday 16 November 2015

Human Nature - "Following Like Sheep" 2 years on I'm taking about Social Media Trends Again

As a follower of Social Media...... Its My Job as Social Media Organisation Specialist and Trainer to ensure people use it effectively and appropriately. In the last few months I have struggled to step back and stop it taking over my life, but I have managed to put the balance back in from being addicted to obsessive this was not healthy. To now using it in small doses for my personal life and using my skills learnt for 8 years to make my customers business's effective on a daily basis. BALANCE being the main aim I try to achieve. THE EVENTS played out on Social Media since the evening of Friday 13th November 2015 (my 49th Birthday) ensured that the Atrocities carried out in Paris had maximum impact, to everyone. However I am perplexed to read this morning that the top trending Item is a story of another atrocity that happened back in April 2015 the following is the comment I left on a friends posting who shared this story as if it was new and her comments above it requesting we "Pray for the Kenyans as well as the French" with a link to a BBC news story that is the top tending item on Monday 16th November about a bombing of a university in Kenya back in April 2015!
the following is the comment I posted
That is the power of social media... and computers they are programmed to show you the most popular items I'm not putting this story down just giving perspective of living in a world of fast paced technology with news sites sensationalising all atrocities.
Showing that the news stories we are bombarded with and follow could be put in a category of a Cult like all religions, business's , schools. or meetings of humans. These groups creating followers lead to us not having our own objectivity.
Humans crave attention in some way from 1:1 with our family to speaking out to local friends and of course aspiring to celebrity status.
Media in all forms from TV, papers to online postings all is about attention seeking.
I chose to use my spirituality to pray and have gratitude for the good things in life
One day I will comprehend why " 'Humans' choose do to his fellow human beings "
I pray for all the atrocities being shown to fellow humans around the world

This has now lead to me creating a this blog article as an IT trainer To bring to people's notice that we are in a world of hype and media. That modern technology leads us to to a be expected to be reactive as time pressures are being forced on us as we start to use Smartphones, Tablets requiring instant interaction, reaction and pressures to respond. Its human nature to be emotional and lead by our emotions.... this is why marketing works and there is whole industry out there pushing their latest product or service to you. Human nature has always been after the latest news thats why we have so many TV companies with news channels and journalism still uses paper copies as well as the internet to spread the word via articles and news stories.
Remember all items are relative to the message of communication that we want to get across. Humans naturally come together when a tragedy happens, the pack instinct comes in to protect others, This has been shown by the "Following like sheep" trends brought on social media platforms like facebook where people can change their picture to be masked by the Red White and Blue of the French Flag. or as mentioned in my blog a year or so re "The No Make Up Selfies" Count me as being cynical and trusting no one I personally did not adopt this practice as I know computers and marketing and how programmers, analysts are now using our actions to dictate what we see and do on social media. I do not want in months to come to have something linked to my personal profile that has been picked up from the data collection that is taken place by me clicking to show support or because I have answer this quiz about what is my age or click on this link to see who my friends are on facebook and post them as a video All that information is already there and advocate being unique standing out from the crowd and NOT "Following like Sheep" We are currently in "ANTIBULLYING WEEK" and sometimes we leave ourselves open to being bullied by our own actions. Be responsible take ownership of your actions and do not let anyone stop you from being Unique The news stories that prompted this post by the terrorist acts in the name of religion is a form of bullying. ACT RESPONSIBLY and learn from a qualified experienced professional the rights and wrongs of how to behave on the internet. My company is called IT Expert for a reason, i have longstanding experience of IT and data confidentiality and security, Publish what you want public and expect the backlash if it happens.

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