Wednesday 20 November 2013

Michelle's reviews Phoenix's into Queen of the Cloud

623 days where did they go

Life has changed so much in that time, but I guarantee each day I learnt something new!

I have phoenix'd my name to Queen of the Cloud...... as cloud is the latest technology to become part of everyday life.

I have been off learning, about me, about business, about helping educate my children, but most of all I have done the same things since 1985...... Keep Pace with Technology

In the 1990 is was using mobiles on the go and updating from chunky green flashing monitors to using PC with a mouse as well as the keyboard. Followed the revolution in software as windows launched!

In the 2000's we advanced to laptops and not just talking on phones but using the keypad to text!

Now in the current decade especially since 2011 we are doing everything on the go as our phones are our life and now who would not be see with out a tablet. Which is leading to the current revolution called Apps and working from the cloud on live data.

That is why I am proud to be re-branding my training company 121WoolfIT to ...... DEVON IT EXPERT

For ONCE in my life I am Project Managing me over the next 6 weeks

The website is under constriction                                                    FOCUS
The social media updates are programmed into my project                BRANDING
The lifestyle change of working practices are being adhered to.         DISCIPLINE

Now my MISSION is too

Empower you to use Technology

Make Sense of IT

Boost your Company Profits through better Business IT Efficiency

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