Thursday 26 December 2013

Combining work and leisure at Christmas 2013

This why my confidence is now coming back .... working can be such fun on Christmas day my grandmother says to 10 year old daughter, "what have you got there ?" The reply was an android tablet" says arabella.... que me.

Family finally starting to take my skills seriously as Devon IT Expert! Christmas day: showed my 96 year old Nan the merits of using an android tablet 10.1 or 8 size screen she could see both like the weight of the 8 " but felt the 10.1 screen would be better for her fingers! As a quiz queen she fancys using it to search answers Showed her how to download her newspaper & bring up the crossword. In addition she was amazed at how many crossword and quiz games apps were available.
Dare not show her kindle books as she would have to pay for them. ............ The local library deliver 6 a month for free.

Then we had to have the conversation about broadband. .....
Discussed staying with BT or converting to sky did not dare discuss uw as she lives for sky sport in a council warden assisted home.
As always impartial advice from me to meet the customers needs. Stating if she decided to buy I will help her sort broadband and place the order etc. ........ Granddaughter Brownie points earnt :)

Only problem is I have now upset mother.... As she lives 5mins away and I live over an hour away! And has been dissuading her to get with technology for 2 years. She is frightened she will be left with all the problems down the phone daily.
I say the challenge has now been thrown at me to prove my training skills and knowledge should she choose to take the plunge and purchase a 21st century gadget.
Watch this space I feel a saga starting

Boxing Day and more expertise required again!
This time on parents laptop..... took hours
All I was asked was can you get skype working?

1. Tell me when i turn it on, too walk away for 15 mins as it takes that long to start up....alarm bells ringing.

2. I do love people who download everthing cause the screen says so!...... lost half of the screen view so we have 4 or so toolbars downloaded and showing on screen!!!
Plus these adverts keep popping up at bottom of screen!!!

Now Im into machine I run my standard programs find 205 malware items and 2 trojans. Remove them. Then upgrade and convert virus software to 'avast free'.... to find 15 more issues!!
All now resolved plus firefox and chrome startup tabs open up the emails correctly on their individual users.
Happy parents you would think.......NO

Why because 6 hours later sill waiting for email to come into aol with the password reset email from skype!!

Boy do I wish they would open a gmail account.... they woukd get hangouts instead!
Well that I believe may be tomorrows task

Wednesday 18 December 2013

The world of Michelle in the last 2 weeks has gone back to consolidating all the knowledge she has learned over the last 30+ years with stock control software, filing her own tax returns and working for 2 years on accountancy packages for CCH and recently the cloud accountancy packages Xero and Twinfield; to undertaking a manual bookkeeping course...... the exams are looming soon.

But the number crunching and methodology is consolidating my knowledge base to bring me confidence in knowing the advice I give my clients is on a sound financial footing. To ensure they increase their profits and ease their cash flow to take their business's forward in 2014

By giving to others the knowledge and the power by sound constructive advice on efficiency with using technology means we all take our business to the place we aspire and beyond. This leads to the small business earner having back time to do what they want to do as well.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Stepping into the world of website design......

Michelle's venture into cloud land has not been spectacular this week as I have been head down and learning website set up techniques

Areas I normally steer clear of... graphics and websites.
I have found a great graphics guy to help with the re-brand of 121woolfit (that is the last time i write that name on this site) to Devon IT Expert
and..... wait for it 
Chosen to give producing a basic website for myself to get my message across not the message others think I should be saying.

Producing content now that was a challenge.... only taken me 4 years to really know where I wanted to take my skills but now I have a vision and focus. Just got to drive it to places in 2014. This woman's confidence is really starting to come back now. almost ready to launch and is planed to go live in some form on Sunday 1st December

What a week and a great learning curve.

  • New Training clients
  • First Efficiency MOT's done and report written
  • Still working on getting pdf to work properly with the ms form I created in word!!!... but that's next weeks challenge.

Watch this space for all the new updates in the world of working online in the cloud

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Michelle's reviews Phoenix's into Queen of the Cloud

623 days where did they go

Life has changed so much in that time, but I guarantee each day I learnt something new!

I have phoenix'd my name to Queen of the Cloud...... as cloud is the latest technology to become part of everyday life.

I have been off learning, about me, about business, about helping educate my children, but most of all I have done the same things since 1985...... Keep Pace with Technology

In the 1990 is was using mobiles on the go and updating from chunky green flashing monitors to using PC with a mouse as well as the keyboard. Followed the revolution in software as windows launched!

In the 2000's we advanced to laptops and not just talking on phones but using the keypad to text!

Now in the current decade especially since 2011 we are doing everything on the go as our phones are our life and now who would not be see with out a tablet. Which is leading to the current revolution called Apps and working from the cloud on live data.

That is why I am proud to be re-branding my training company 121WoolfIT to ...... DEVON IT EXPERT

For ONCE in my life I am Project Managing me over the next 6 weeks

The website is under constriction                                                    FOCUS
The social media updates are programmed into my project                BRANDING
The lifestyle change of working practices are being adhered to.         DISCIPLINE

Now my MISSION is too

Empower you to use Technology

Make Sense of IT

Boost your Company Profits through better Business IT Efficiency