Sunday 12 October 2014

Apple store ask the right questions please

This week's workload has been brought to me by sales staff who understand nothing of how the product works.

Leaving customers confused untrusting and hating technology even more.

Anyone born pre 1970 has a lack of computer knowledge as it was not taught in schools!

Apple store and telephone shops are the worst in my experience.

I have a plea to the apple store .... When u connect the old iPad to new cloud account.

Ask the customer if they lived and used it in the UK!!

Instead of just changing the Gmail account to be over written with
Meaning it imports Gmail but sends out as I cloud!
So now 2passwords involved!

The store trouble shooting and fault finding means
They ask the customer to change the password 4 times on the  I cloud account and also link in the old account.

The will never sync its registered to!
Apple why are u such control freaks on country's not being allowed to share!

Well at least it kept me busy and not very long to identify the problem.

At Devon IT Expert I always build rapport with the customer.
It's not just friendly banter and me being nosey!
This builds the trust so I can take set the
Tablet, Phone, Laptop ecreader with all required details knowing.

I abide by data protection and European law on security as I teach that to all my clients.
Ethics, Security and Knowledge to use internet appropriately is one of my passions, plus I am also governed by money laundering law for my bookkeeping.

Results of this job

All data saved iPad restored and now synced to UK as that's where they now live.

Just unsure if the new 16gb one sold is appropriate to cover client usage of old 64gb... Hopefully ICloud will help with shortfall.

Now just need to get the cracked screen mended on the orginal ipad...

Think I may just have a couple of contacts who do that service :)

Off to email the client the price and get there authority to get that job done.

Then customise both ipads as his and hers result being 2 happy customers.

Love this problem solving.
Gives great job satisfaction.