Saturday 22 March 2014

Im just an Individual with ethics and not willing to act like a sheep and follow a leader.

This article from the guardian has helped me feel not isolated or a victim this week
The lady in the article thinking the same as me 96 hours ago when commenting on Facebook..... re social media and people like sheep following the leader...... then once outed as empty gesture things happened.
I acknowledged that 72 hours ago once it was pointed out to me
Here I am now 5 days on so glad to read I'm not the only one but 48 hours ago really felt victimised by so called friends!!

Contentious subjects strike nerves with us all that why as humans we react.

Cancer has been part if my life since I was 3; as pharmacy technician been at the forefront of seeing what NHS healthcare can achieve; as well as fundraising over the years for many charities big, small, worldwide or local.

At the time of posting my comments, I had my business head on and saw how lack of training in marketing and social media frustrates me!
My so called friends needed a sounding board on which to vent there personal emotional frustration as an attack to my initial comment I made! Ironically passing their judgement on my so called freedom of speech. 
My recent experiences mean I am stronger now and they did not know my story either but I was not prepared to get into a "he said she said" situation.

Having had experience of using computers since 1983, the internet regularly since 1998 Facebook user since 2007 and running IT training business  121WoolfIT since 2008 and now as a Business Efficiency Consultant as Devon IT Expert

What have I learnt from this episode .....
People today are so caught up in the modern world of technology, showing how our lives are now set at a fast paced world of reaction.
Social media has brought us to the act and react now, and in that short space of time the brain sees what it wants and homes in on that emotion.

I however pride myself on the ability to see the whole picture and hope to use this effectively in my business and personal life.

People also when commenting on a post, never check out the thread and see the comments above...... days later after the moment or my acknowledgement they still continued to pass their judgement comments calling me judgemental how ironic!
This I am sure will continue to happen for years to come ....once on the internet its there.

Note to self:- phones, tablets and the apps software only show a snippets remember to emphasis this in trainings.

Plus our fast passed lives mean we have become a reactionary generation

Note to self:- 1. Think of the emotion. 2. Make it visual 3. teach people to find that marketing mistake and turn it around.

The following statement is my personal opinion and should be treated as such, its not judgemental its just how I see it and wish to use my right to freedom of speech.

No I will not put up a selfie as I feel by doing so I have been emotionally bullied into doing so.
I have been bullied enough in my life and I'm fed up with being a victim. 

My current circumstances due to being a victim of so much in the last few years means I struggle to feed my family as I build my new company but to date have not begged for handouts we survive with less £100 per month for food for a family 4 after other bills are paid to keep a roof over our head. So paying the cancer charity is beyond my budget at the moment and something I do not wish to do see below.

My comment re people are like sheep I still stand by but my lack of communication skills did not emphasise....

1. How the people could still have pointed readers to anyone of the cancer sites or one of the links to check for signs. (as people are now doing)


2. Just linking to a cancer website or a website they choose to support.

Or (as I choose to do 24/7  365 days of the year)

3. Share the links to sites where friends are doing fundraising feats for charity giving people the right to choose to donate what they can.


4. Volunteer to help at a charity there are so many ways to do this find out

The momentum of this campaign is a feat of marketing genius now it has been turned around and I applaud the money raised 

Being cynical as I am I feel it is a form of bullying people to donate or a say they have!
I may have 700+ friends around the world on Facebook but none have nominated me so 'I'm billy no mates'....months ago I would have take it as a negative.
As I only do positives now
I'm proud of my beliefs, morals and really know what I can achieve.
I will use this experience in future as part of my talks in trainings plus I have chosen to write 
this blog.

Finally ...completely my own personal opinion.
Cancer is a harsh disease I have been effected by it in many ways loosing family, friends.
In my working life I been someone making up that chemotherapy, issuing pain relief drugs, counselled patients on their medications.
Supported the carers, been a friend and just listened that is part of who I am.
In the past I have planned and donated to specific fundraising events 

If asked to do a selfie I would not as I do not support cancer charities in this way.
There are so many cancer charities or related charities.... and I believe the drug companies do not pour enough money into research for a cures but know the charities do spend resources on research, then the drug companies reap the profits in this area, under the business ethic of market forces! Over the last 25 years I have watched the system where drug co bleed the NHS dry of funds.... and I choose not to be part of that ethic any more.

In the past I have and I will donate to hospice, holistic therapies care to help with quality of life and well-being whilst suffering from the devastating disease when my circumstances make it feel right.

My close family members died from heart problems or suffer with diabetes these 2 areas get such a low percentage of donations to cancer but are some of the highest mortality rates in the uk.
People then wonder why I'm so cynical!!!

Finally the charities I do support as they effect my life daily are...
Action on Hearing Loss
In my belief the hidden disability which people suffer with in some way at sometime through out there lifetime, Did you know 1 in 6 people suffer in UK.
I was struck down suddenly in 2004 leaving me the additional daily torment of tinnitus
To which I also support when I can BTA British Tinnitus Association
I am a volunteer for Action On Hearing Loss bring this disability and the facts to people's attention.
Dementia Friends
As part of my first profession I have to carry out CPD part of this has been agreed to be a dementia friend.
I chose to take it one stage further and become a dementia friends champion meaning I can give talks and create dementia friends as we are all volunteers with an aim to make the areas we live in more dementia friendly part of a prime ministers challenge.
I have been very aware of dementia since 1995 and have the utmost respect for the carers in these situations.

So even if I have no spare cash at the moment I still contribute to society helping the causes I'm passionate about because I want to.

SOCIAL MEDIA has a place in society but remember you have freedom of speech and you can use it.
Humans are individuals with there own point of view.
That's why I like to keep my own identity even when peer pressure is strong.
What I chose to do today is right for now, I live in the moment.

Training note to self
Remember texts and posts can come across without emotion!
Thats why I only post what I prepared to stand up for as its on the internet forever, 80% of my true thoughts and emotions are not printed as it would get me in trouble!
So I type delete or print and destroy its very therapeutic.
Always hesitate on a send button and try to remember to proof read.....predictive text can be dangerous as well as funny.
Libel is dangerous area to venture into and I do not envy the judicial system with the enormous possibilities the internet opens up.
(now after proof reading 6 times I am happy to publish)



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