Thursday 19 May 2011

I have been exploring the world of aids to help people with disabilities use a computer... part1

My task set for the last week was to help one of my trainee's achieve effective use of her computer to contact her family by email around the world.

But my mature trainee never let on to me she could not see the screen properly due to eye sight problems from 

macular degeneration disease & cateracts.

Straight away I set up her magniflier as a shortcut on her desktop now she can continue to improve her mouse skills 
We also discussed whether she could see white on black better than black letters on white.
now I have just spent time identifying which keyboards see my selections on the right.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Upgrading window software

Well what can i say........ software always needs upgrading no matter how upto date we think we are some geek has kindly written a newer version as soon as we can buy it and install it on our machines.

My recent customers want my advise on updating their current software

First the Microsoft team gave us Windows 7  which I love as a trainer
I feel it is more useful for the newbee but for the more experienced users, means we have to be on the ball as we become complacent to using XP or vista and all the shortcuts, screen layouts etc . Now we have to re train our actions to look and use the keyboard / mouse in a different way again as we watch the screen its all in a different place.
I believe it is a good way to keep our minds fit to learn new experiences so I am a pro progression trainer.
GO ON GIVE YOUR MIND A NEW WORK OUT and upgrade to Windows 7

Then if you are like me with a mixture of XP and Vista running machines  within the household
AMAZON have saved my bank account in with their family upgrade pack.

Now we have the mind field of Office based products with the launch of MS OFFICE 2010

Then we have the mind field of what type do you need to buy?
I prefer to have my basic new to computing  home users trying open office products

BUT coming from a public sector and home worker background I feel my comfort zone requires a Microsoft product  the Home and Business one is the best for everyday office work
but if you want to start doing data bases you will need the professional version to get the best out of MS access

and yet again AMAZON have saved my bank account with a 3 user pack!

Here endeth my latest product review

Monday 21 February 2011

Michelle's reviews and introduction

In this blog spot is where I hope to expand your knowledge on various things in life I come across and feel are worth sharing
With reviews and links to business prospects
It can range from Products we use in our home
Products friends ask for advise on
Books I have read to recommend reading from fellow network marketers
Sometimes along the way I may pass on the odd business opportunity to help your out in these times of austerity